Decoding Epigenetics for Cancer Therapy and Care


What is epigenetics? How cells modify DNA and RNA

人体内数十亿个细胞中的每一个都有相同的DNA蓝图,表观遗传学是控制哪些基因表达的过程, giving rise to many different cell types.1 If DNA is the raw code of a genome, epigenetics is how the code runs when ‘enter’ is pressed on the keyboard.

癌症生物学家早就知道,基因在不同细胞中的表达是不同的. 表观遗传学是一种细胞与另一种细胞的外观和行为不同的原因.1 Studying the modification of gene expression, rather than the genome itself, gives us a deeper understanding of why these modifications occur, and how to exploit them for drug development.2

每个细胞内都有大约两米长的DNA,这些DNA缠绕在组蛋白上,并被包装成染色质, providing an efficient way to organise DNA and RNA in the nucleus.3,11 然而, 这种紧凑的结构意味着DNA无法进入基因表达所需的细胞机制.4 为了克服这个问题, 表观遗传蛋白复合物被称为“书写者”,它向组蛋白添加化学修饰,以促进染色质重塑. 这会开启基因,而“橡皮擦”则会移除这些标记并关闭基因.4 Proteins can also regulate gene expression by modifying DNA and RNA directly.1 这些表观遗传机制共同告诉细胞,在细胞的整个生命周期中,哪些基因是开启的,哪些是关闭的, 当. When these mechanisms malfunction, 然而, they can change the way a cell behaves and can even lead to cancer. 4,12


Entering the epigenetic revolution in cancer treatment

在过去的十年里,癌症生物学的进步导致了许多新兴领域的出现, including the exploration of epigenetics-based therapies.5 As one of six scientific platforms we’re building across 肿瘤学, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在投资技术和专业知识,以更好地了解表观遗传学在疾病中的作用. 有了这个,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐希望开拓通过调节基因表达来攻击癌症的新方法.

表观遗传过程的失调可导致疾病的启动,是癌症的标志.6 By hijacking these processes, cancer can reprogramme a cell’s gene expression profile to favour survival, contributing to its evolution and driving resistance to treatments.6 然而, 这也创造了一种肿瘤特异性的脆弱性,可以用于治疗——从癌症检测和靶向到重新编程免疫细胞和解决耐药性. 6,7 By studying how these epigenetic malfunctions lead to cancer, we can also develop cancer therapies to target those changes.

Expanding our cancer-fighting toolkit


Deeper understanding of epigenetic changes, particularly changes that occur as a disease begins, 能否提高澳门第一赌城在线娱乐检测癌症的能力,并有可能在早期阶段识别和治疗癌症.5 通过探索肿瘤分类的新方法,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐希望能识别更多的患者群体,以帮助开发下一波精准药物,使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐更接近治愈.9

Epigenomic sequencing is also driving our understanding of drug resistance. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是了解癌症如何操纵表观遗传测序来抵抗治疗,这可能会为克服这一问题提供新的方法.9

表观遗传学代表了癌症生物学研究人员尚未开发的机会, oncologists and tomorrow’s patients living with cancer,” said 何文灿, Executive Director, Head of Epigenetics, 肿瘤学R&D.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是建立针对癌症及其脆弱性的治疗组合, 包括关键表观遗传过程的抑制剂,如染色质重塑和RNA或组蛋白修饰. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是在未来将表观遗传疗法嵌入到癌症治疗中,最终改善患者的预后.

何文灿 Executive Director, Head of Epigenetics, 肿瘤学R&D

We know that great science doesn’t happen in isolation, 因此,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在通过与该领域的专家合作,扩大专业知识和能力. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与Accent Therapeutics合作探索RNA修饰蛋白(rmp)作为新兴的癌症药物靶点. RMPs控制RNA转化为蛋白质,并在某些癌症中升高, which supports tumour growth and survival.10 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还与普罗泰罗公司合作,确定新的化学物质,以药物表观遗传酶.

Cancer Research and Epigenetics at AstraZeneca

多学科表观遗传学团队是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐肿瘤研究与发展组织的一部分, a dynamic environment where people are challenged to think big and act boldly.

在科学的推动下,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的研究人员正处于肿瘤学最激动人心的十字路口之一. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在建立一个世界级的团队,以发现和开发新的癌症疗法,以改变患者的生活为目标. Epigenetics is on the cutting edge of cancer research, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐欢迎所有疾病专业知识和平台之间的合作,以帮助推动这一创新浪潮.




1.   医疗在线. What is epigenetics? Available at: Accessed June 2022.

2.   Scitable. Gene expression and regulation. Available at: http://www.自然.com/scitable/topic/gene-expression-and-regulation-15/. Accessed June 2022

3.   Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al. Chromosomal DNA and its packaging in the chromatin fiber. New York Garland Science. 2022.

4.   Phillips T, Shaw K. Chromatin remodeling in eukaryotes. 自然教育. 2008;1(1):209

5.   Weinhold B. Epigenetics: The science of change. Environ Health Perspect. 2006;114(3): A160–A167.

6.   Wainwright EN, Scaffidi, P. 表观遗传学和癌症干细胞:释放、劫持和限制细胞可塑性. 趋势癌症. 2017;3(5): 372–386.

7.   Kaur J, Daoud A, Eblen ST. Targeting chromatic remodeling for cancer therapy. Curr Mol Pharmacol. 2019;12(3):215-229.

8.   Pettini F,等. Multi-omics model applied to cancer genetics. 生物医学杂志. 2021; 22(11): 5751.

9.   Herceg Z, Hainaut P. 遗传和表观遗传改变作为癌症检测、诊断和预后的生物标志物. 摩尔杂志. 2007; 1(1): 26–41.

10. Accent Therapeutics. RNA-modifying proteins. Available at: Accessed June 2022.

11. Michalak EM等. The roles of DNA, RNA and histone methylation in ageing and cancer. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2019;20(10):573-589.

12. 英国癌症研究中心. Genes, DNA and cancer. Available at:  Accessed June 2022

Veeva ID: Z4-45783
Date of preparation: June 2022